Contact FloorSlip for Floor Slip Testing and associated services

Telephone FloorSlip Limited

On your phone? Click on the link to take you directly to the number.

On your PC? You may have to load an App on your PC to connect.

Telephone: UK North07774 32-32-67 

Telephone UK South - 07506 55-99-52


(*You may wish to cut and paste the email address into your own email tool)

Sending Samples? PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO THE KIRKHAM ADDRESS - Please contact the floorslip agent you are dealing with to get the address of the testing facility for their region.

UK Registered Company No. 07757686

Kirkham, Preston
Lancashire, PR4 2AS
United Kingdom

Hours of business of FloorSlip

FloorSlip may be contacted at any time, including weekends

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