UKSRG Guidelines augmenting BS & EN Floor Testing Standards

About the UK Slip Resistance Group (UKSRG)


The UKSRG promote themselves as a ‘world-leading independent authority on slip resistance’.  The purpose of the group is: -

  • Bring together regularly experts from across the UK and the world in floors, pavements and roads in respect to, manufacture; maintenance; cleaning; research and slip resistance testing to correlate information and make recom­men­dations.
  • Understand the causes of slips and the ways to reduce floor slips. 
  • To advise the UK HSE (as well as other non-UK Health and Safety groups) and other interested parties on how to provide floors safe against slips
  • To issue reports and studies (free or low cost) on floor safety
  • And finally... To prepare, publish and regularly update very comprehensive GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSING THE SLIP RESISTANCE OF FLOORS. The Guidelines heavily augment (and often do a better job) than the data found in the various British and European Floor Testing Standards. The guidelines are regularly updated, particularly when a new British / European Floor Testing standard is released and the cost at less than (GBP) £100 is far better value than is often found in the more expensive British / European standards

Links to UKSRG Publications